Tomatoes deteriorate rapidly after they’re picked due to their high moisture content. Removing the water through drying preserves tomatoes while retaining flavor. Sun-drying is economical, but the process can be tricky because they need a specific temperature range. One cup of sun-dried tomatoes has 139 calories, 8 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber. This means that men get 14 percent of the recommended daily intake of protein and 18 percent of fiber, while women gain 17 percent of their daily intake of protein and 28 percent of fiber Free radicals are natural byproducts of chemical processes in your body, but they damage cells and contribute to diseases, such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Antioxidants protect your health by neutralizing free radicals and lowering inflammation. One cup of sun-dried tomatoes provides 23 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C and 16 percent of vitamin A. Vitamin C supports the immune system and neutralizes free radicals throughout the body
P :100 gr | 200 gr | 500 gr